New 2017 Moulage Class Dates updated!
Welcome to Image Perspectives! We have implemented a brand new ordering system! If you have any questions about how to place an order online, or need any help understanding how it works, please call us immediately. 775-882-6257 or after hours (9a-5p PST) at 775-230-1520.
Image Perspective's School of Moulage
Training at our Carson City, Nevada facility or contract us to come to you!
We carry a full line of Moulage Materials and Supplies
Order by phone, "snail mail", fax, or online.
Contract Services--Mass Casualty and Mass pharmaceutical distribution Exercises.
We will coordinate and produce the moulage portion
of your mass casualty exercise
Do it yourself! Mass Casualty Incident Package for up to 150 Casualties
All you need to organize the moulage portion of your next MCI exercise.
Training at our Carson City, Nevada facility or contract us to come to you!
We carry a full line of Moulage Materials and Supplies
Order by phone, "snail mail", fax, or online.
Contract Services--Mass Casualty and Mass pharmaceutical distribution Exercises.
We will coordinate and produce the moulage portion
of your mass casualty exercise
Do it yourself! Mass Casualty Incident Package for up to 150 Casualties
All you need to organize the moulage portion of your next MCI exercise.
The Medical Community to train and test: First Responders, Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics, ITLS, BTLS, PHTLS, ATLS Courses. Community Emergency Response Team members, to train and practice. Business and Industry Health and Safety to train and exercise internal Emergency Response Teams: airports, oil refineries, chemical companies, mining industry, utility companies, and manufacturing. Political Jurisdictions for Full-Scale exercising of their Disaster Response Plans. The Military Services to train and test under realistic simulated battle conditions. |
Absolutely nothing will prompt better response to your training / testing sessions! Many years of participation in EMS and Disaster Response Training have shown us, unequivocally, that people learn and test better when realistic injury simulation is used. The military services have historically used injury simulation to train men and women in emergency medical care because it reduces training time and improves performance by reproducing disaster-induced psychological responses. The bottom line is, what is realistically experienced is far better learned and retained. |
The basic material we use to create our soft tissue injuries is very inexpensive, it costs only pennies per simulation. If someone walks off with a simulation It can be recreated in a matter of minutes! You are not limited to mass-produced latex or plastic "one-size-fits-all injuries". You determine the type, scope and size of the injuries and create as many as you wish, in whatever size or skin tone you need. Our simulations can be handled and bandaged, with care, as you would a real injury. The simulations will not shift and/or be damaged. When bandages are removed, the injury simulation will remain intact. The simulations can be made liquid-proof, and with care - reusable! |
Image Perspectives has earned a reputation for excellence. Our clients include:
U.S.Army /Reserve/ National Guard, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard
Veterans Administration Health Services, Nationwide State EMS
DOW Chemical Company
IIF Data, Inc.
TOSCO Refining Company Reno/Tahoe Internation Airport
Reynolds Electrical Engineering (REECO)Emergency Nurses Association
International Health Services, Nationwide EMMCO East Inc
Los Alamos Labs Lockheed/Martin Utility Services
Martin Murietta
New York Transit Authority Northrop Grumman
Subic Bay International Airport, Philippines National Disaster Medical System, U.S.A
Life force Airmed Services Special Operations Medical Association
RTS Medical
Saskatoon Institute for Medical Simulation
Canadian Field Hospital, Petawawa
US Army Dugway Proving Grounds
Goodfellow Air Force Base
Mike O'Callaghan Federal Medical Center
Laerdal Medical
AMEDD Center & School
METC Medical Logistics
Intermountain Healthcare
TEAMT Australia
Canadian Forces Trauma
U.S.Army /Reserve/ National Guard, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard
Veterans Administration Health Services, Nationwide State EMS
DOW Chemical Company
IIF Data, Inc.
TOSCO Refining Company Reno/Tahoe Internation Airport
Reynolds Electrical Engineering (REECO)Emergency Nurses Association
International Health Services, Nationwide EMMCO East Inc
Los Alamos Labs Lockheed/Martin Utility Services
Martin Murietta
New York Transit Authority Northrop Grumman
Subic Bay International Airport, Philippines National Disaster Medical System, U.S.A
Life force Airmed Services Special Operations Medical Association
RTS Medical
Saskatoon Institute for Medical Simulation
Canadian Field Hospital, Petawawa
US Army Dugway Proving Grounds
Goodfellow Air Force Base
Mike O'Callaghan Federal Medical Center
Laerdal Medical
AMEDD Center & School
METC Medical Logistics
Intermountain Healthcare
TEAMT Australia
Canadian Forces Trauma
3170 Research Way #80 Carson City, NV 89706
(775) 882-6257 phone & fax
3170 Research Way #80 Carson City, NV 89706
(775) 882-6257 phone & fax